Wednesday, March 8, 2017

My personal readings with Mas and other testimonies...

Please note- I do have trouble writing I lost cognition after the Mas program excuse the grammar errors.  Thanks for more info

             I got introduced to Mas's work after my friend had sent me one of his clinics. She gave a recording and right away something unusual started to happen. Energy started to move in my body. I had a dream of Mas and his beings told me "to go with him". Soon after there was a event in the Bay area and I wanted to meet him. Originally, I did not want to speak out but I saw the monster in him grow bigger over time. More and more women have been taken in and I have been listening to their stories over the past nine months. Many were difficult to hear because it was more healers sickened and taken advantage of.  He makes huge promises like "everyone becomes more abundant that works with me". I felt more abundant before I worked with Mas, its just a state. I became sicker and more in a lack energy as I did his clinics. What I realized after I had always lived in a abundant state where all my needs were met. It was only after I started the program that began to change and several other healers reported the same thing. They lost money doing his program and spent thousands on him and some were so disoriented they could not work. The biggest thing is they lost spiritual life force out of their body and most could not embody anymore. Many want to commit suicde and seems to be the biggest issue with doing his program. Serveral have attempted it now we have confirmed death of suicide recently. My healer friends who did the program all lost huge amount of life force and I personally think healers are harvested for energy in this program.

          My first reading and "healing" was with Mas in San Fransisco in April of 2014. He seemed to be just at the beginning of his climb to fame at the time and my friend told me the year before he had no one show up. I attended a 2 hour event and had a personal reading reserved with him. The next day I had in-person session where I told him I had gallbladder pain. Mas told me right away I had a issue with my blood and "it was a blood issue, it was in my blood". I was told I needed to do a "puruim cleanse", the product he was selling. He then instructed me and wrote down a specific gallbladder cleanse I need to do. He never mentioned going to a doctor. Later, I went to my doctor and showed them what he said and asked for another blood more extensive blood test. Nothing else abnormal was found in my blood by doctors who did a extensive panel. Later, I went to alternative health practitioners assigned by my medical doctor for a medically supervised gallbladder cleanse.

        Mas immediately gave me all kinds of online guidance that later ended up being wrong. He did diagnose me on several medical situations and when I saw him. He also prescribed that I needed to do a certain nutritional regime a few times. I think he thought he was a doctor in that moment and had me convinced he was a oracle.  He claimed online he was closing doors for me and "opening doors. He began deleting "frequencies" and timeline of our past. I became very sick right away. I was told to listen to his recordings on a loop by him and discouraged any other healing practitioners. The thing is normally I don't listen to people but for some reason Mas could get me in a trance of some kind. I was attacked at night by entities after I started his recordings and other clients have reported this to me. He does pretend to diagnose and recommends things like a doctor although he states he is not one. He claims to give "chiropractic adjustments" although he is not a trained, certified or licensed healer.

      By the second reading with Mas, I was feeling pretty disoriented after two months on his 21-day program. At this point I was going to leave and told him this. I had a reading scheduled already and I asked him about the women who just passed away who was like a grandmother to my children. He said "she was on top of my shoulders biting chucks out it" and then said "it was the worse thing he'd ever seen". I told him I wanted to break from the program and was getting sicker. He said not to because the "frequencies would just wrap around me again." He then offered me the rest of the month for free to keep me on. He then proceed to bring my reading online forum and made a gross comment about this women I had been close to that had died. I moved out of the house I was because he made such a big deal about her, I was renting it from her son. It turned out to be a big mistake because the housing market had taken off and no houses available highly sought after area Northern California I was in. I realized later the house was fine and Mas knew nothing about the passing of loved ones. He caused me to uproot my children and then I realized it was all unnecessary (just like the rest of his program).

         Later on the program I asked him online why I developed fever for three months after working with him. He stated "when you go up to higher levels you just burn up". I began to ignore the 102 fevers thinking it was normal. Later, It was found I had developed a infection from my gallbladder by another health practitioner and was treated. I felt immediately better after getting proper treatment and quit having the 102 fevers. When I told him I was getting weaker on the program he made a comment "I was just weak", like I was a weak individual. He also told another women who worked for and promoted him for a year that she was weak also. What kind of healer says that to their clients? I worked with clients for over twenty years as an intuitive bodyworker, nutritionist, meditation and a yoga teacher. I can't remember anyone getting sick except for a one bad massage detox when I was young massage therapist. Mas convinces everyone they have to detox but I realized that his own idea.

        I attended a event in Minneapolis where he told me had "relationship" issues. He touched me in between my breasts and moved me around. I attend two day events where I mostly just felt disoriented. Someone actually laid sick on the ground in front of me, they said that "he was making them sick." He had just had some type of magic upgrade where he fell to his knees in New York City. The energy had become stronger after his big event in New York. He said it was Buddha, Jesus and Mohaumod upgraded him in a public event . He then claimed to get upgrades in the middle of the night and new "abilities". He quickly rose to star status as he just been "upgraded" and became a big name after that. Later, his story changed that he was working with "dark sources that kept him safe. His healing masters are encouraged to work with these dark entities as some have seen them. At the event he actually told people not to work with angels and claimed one women's angels were "impure".

          Six months into the program my sister shot herself after one night Mas worked on me.  I happened to have a reading scheduled the next day and the reading cost $160 at the time. During the reading he said "I am working on your sister" after I told him the news. Then he said "she just crossed and threw fairy dust does that make sense to you". That night he brought it onto the Halloween forum. He then said "do you want to hear something really creepy?" and preceded to use her death as a sick halloween story. I was still in shock and couldn't believe he did that. Later, I realized that's what a sociopath does to someone. Almost a year after the program I had to work with a native american who died 12 times. I almost worked with him initially but I had met Mas and had been told not to work with other healers. It was noticed by him and his group that my sister never had never crossed. She was stuck in a disoriented state needed hep to cross. We helped her cross and I was sick to my stomach at how many times Mas had lied to me. My friend who did the program mother died and Mas said he crossed his mother over twice in paid personal readings. After his sister and I saw her at her home when we stayed there, it then became clear he never had that ability.

       By the time he came back to San Fransisco almost a year later I had really had it with doing his program. Once again, Mas saw me leaving the program and he told me I was 75 percent the way through to keep me on. This was the third time he had said something to keep me on. He told me I was distorted because I was "heavy metal toxic". He then instructed me that I needed to do a purium cleanse for the "metal" and I had to tell him for the fourth time I was allergic to ingredients in it. I went to see my medical doctor and made him do a another blood test for metal toxicity which he seemed resistant to. I scheduled to see the head of Bauman College where I attended Nutritional School for some nutritional recommendations. He knew me personally for over 15 years as I attended his program and was a kind caring man. I then went to vedic spa where the do detox for $200 a treatment and went there several times.  One of the practitioners I was recommend to by one of my doctors was working there. Later the heavy metal test all showed up negative. I spent a few thousand after that wrong reading, and the cleanse did not help me. He has a habit of diagnosing and treating and is a felony in the state of California to practice medicine without a license. Mas has no training or license to even touch people most states require that. 

         I let him derail my healing process by even working with him and listening to anything he had to say. I had a few other oracle readings that were also wrong. At the time I was convinced by him that he was a oracle of some kind. He told me I was "just a pure source" and "would be back to work in March". Instead, I was bed ridden for 9 months after something came into my body body and possessed me while doing his programming. I actually had gotten much sicker on his program not healthier, but I did not know that until I left. Had I known he was working with dark sources, I would have never done the program. I was told over and over "he had a blood contract with Jesus". I realized later after studying near deaths Jesus does not do blood contracts. The program keeps you in high altered state where Mas programs you with what he wants. I had to be intervened by someone who recognized he was experimenting and that I had been taken over by him. He had 12 near deaths and was a much wiser man who did not need the money. He told me I had been given wrong spiritual information and had lost "my spiritual gifts". I had to be deprogrammed from his "program" and the frequencies he installed removed.  I take responsibility for listening to him, but Mas likes to pretend things like being a doctor. I know it must have been rough growing up in a family of doctors, but he needs to quit diagnosing people. He seems to make things up in general to keep his money going. He did come into my body at a event and never left until I went into a near death from the program. I think he may use healers as a source and was one of the reasons I got so sick. He does create a mastermind group so he can utilize the power of the group, so maybe not a powerful man at all. He does elicit power from the healers in the group and they loose spiritual energy so be aware. Several other healers seemed to possessed by his entities that work with him and had to work with people to get rid of his group. He left giant holes throughout my body and did possess until I died (i saw him leave him body when I passed).

        I have collected many testimonies over last 6-9 months detailing readings that were wrong and women who just became sick from working with him. Some were disoriented a year later and given bizarre advice. My favorite is he told a women in India "you'll have your abilities after you have a mental breakdown". Use caution when working with this Mas. He left giant energetic holes where he ripped energies out including my own soul. I saw many of the healers had energetic holes, but Mas did mention he was leaving holes and "was not sure what to do about it". Some of the healers are stuck on the program four years thinking something great will happen. He does say identical things to some people and one of my friends reading was repeated word for word online to some other healer. He often will tell someone they have a "blood issue" so compare notes among friends. He might say do you have a neck or shoulder issue?  I knew four people who did the program none had great results and had to work with other people after Mas. I was never given a refund in any way and no one else who contacted me did either.  I spent thousands only to end up sicker and so did other healers on the program. Is Mas really running a healing program? A class action lawsuit to get our money back is forming so stay tuned.

          There will be a new site where other testimonies will be posted that were not so positive. Both sides need to be shown as Mas has hide the details for long enough and I have had to personally deal with them. Most are kind pure souls who were so distorted they were afraid to even have their testimony posted. I had to protect them so they could start their healing process away from him. We come to earth to deal with things and Mas is not working with full integrity. Personally, I think he's like a robot programmer from the way he acts and repeats the same things over and over. He makes duplicate copies of himself to do "healing" and several of were disturbed after leaving the program. People give up their power to him and he generates off them. That's how it works. He has all kinds of spiritual things to say so people listen and people fall for that new age stuff. I see how he works peoples minds over now, but the new ones who are still on can't. I thought he was a great man and master of some kind. I couldn't believe when I came out of the trance he put me in what I was seeing, if was a different darker side. He wasn't who I thought he was at all, it was always about power and money. One of his manic followers Mona attacks people who post against him and then claim "we are not in unconditional love". He is not honest and I have had to protect women who came forward for the last six months. If you come forward I suggest not using your real name you will get attacked by his "unconditionally loving" followers and now has an attorney leading his healing masters. Mas had no prior healing experience and it showed in the program in a bad way. He was marketed himself and the belief was built was a master. Mastery is life time achievement not something you get overnight or in a upgrade.

New testimonial site coming.... All information needs to be posted 

When I had a issue with the "program" and ended up deathly sick I had no contact number. I was so disoriented I could hardly walk for three months and was hospitalized for extreme vertigo. I spent the next year disabled pretty much. They operate without a number and even have a fake address. Everything is set up to makes loads of money and not take any responsibility. Just know what you are getting your self into.

Allow me to present proof that this guy puts a fake address on his newsletters. Why? He doesn't even have to put an address on his newsletters at all. Just like how his business with an "Executive Director" and supposedly ten employees has no known phone number.
Why would a multimillion dollar business need a phone number when they've already got it covered with their fake address?